John Ashton, the incoming president of the Faculty of Public Health is widely recognised as a health professional who stands up for the NHS - an NHS UNISON members would recognise. He spoke on many platforms last year to oppose the Health and Social Care Bill as it made its disgraceful progress through Parliament where the LibDems led by the saintly Shirley Williams ensured it became law.
In a no holds barred interview with the Daily Telegraph John speaks out from a position of knowledge, experience and says it how it is. As UNISON members we have a choice - read it and weep or read it and organise. If we want to save OUR NHS the decision must be to educate, (and John shows the way) organise and agitate. We owe that to the generation who fought for the best health service in the world.
Frank Hont
UNISONActive is an unofficial blog produced by UNISON activists for UNISON activists. Bringing news, briefings and events from a progressive left perspective.