UNISONActive is an unofficial blog produced by UNISON activists for UNISON activists. Bringing news, briefings and events from a progressive left perspective.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Political fund response - no future for the Link if Mandy's neo-liberalism prevails

There can be no argument in theory that UNISON political fund with its majority General Political Fund and minority Labour Link sections offersthe best possible combination of political levers. It is also broadly representative of the political will and allegiance of the UNISON membership. Approaching 17 years on from merger the union's political traditions remain deserving of respect.

However, there must come a point when a line is drawn on the Labour Party's embrace of neo-liberalism, deregulated markets and privatisation. This problem is epitomised by the re-birth and ascendancy of Peter Mandelson during 2009. The problem with Mandelson is not one of a mendacious personality, mythical or otherwise. It is his hard line ideological allegiance to big business, competition and marketisation. In many respects he is to theright of the Conservative Party.

In a June 2009 interview in the FT believe it or not he criticised the Conservative Party as being on the left in the debate on public services: "they seem to have entered a Faustian pact with public sector producer interests. Their message is, quote, we will spend less on you, but require you to reform less and change less.... David Cameron offers the soft option on public sector reform. This may be because they are fishing for votes, or simplybecause they care less about the public services".

Few in UNISON are under any such illusions about the Tory slash and burnpolicies on education, health or local government. But the articles peaks volumes of where the arch europhile Mandelson seeks to position Labour - aggressively supporting business interests and seeking to open up new markets in public services. Much in the same vein as Byers and Milburn before him. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2f86d032-63d6-11de-a818-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1

The spectacle of Mandelson's standing ovation at the Labour Party mademe despair. His announcement this week reneging on agency workers rights was no surprise. Reform our political funds all you like. Yes build participation. But let's keep our eyes wide open to the reality that Labour's future as a force for social justice and workers rights is in the balance. It is hard to see how any union committed to democratic accountability and public services can co-exist long term with Mandelson and his ideological cohorts.

Bob Oram

Click here for more political fund views