UNISONActive is an unofficial blog produced by UNISON activists for UNISON activists. Bringing news, briefings and events from a progressive left perspective.

Monday, 28 September 2009

UNISON opposes privatisation proposals in North Somerset

UNISON has expressed concerns about proposals emerging in North Somerset Council to privatise in 2010 IT and finance support services, transport and a crematorium.

North Somerset UNISON Branch secretary Helen Thornton said: "UNISON campaigns nationally against the privatisation of public services on the grounds that it leads to reduced terms and condition for our members and results in a poorer quality of service. We worry that as jobs are transferred to the private sector they will be re-located outside North Somerset, thus having a negative effect on the local economy and the unemployment figures.

"We have particular concerns about the privatisation of our mini bus fleet, which transports special needs children and vulnerable adults. Privatisation means these groups of people will be transported by private companies that have not attained such high quality, safety and environmental standards as the council's transport services.”
