Tuesday, 23 August 2011

LGPS – keep up pressure for real talks as negotiations near end game

Less than 3 weeks away - 9 September - is the Con Dem Government’s imposed deadline for local government employers and trade unions to propose ways to achieve £900mn ‘savings’ from the local government pension scheme (LGPS) with effect from 1 April 2012: http://www.unison.org.uk/acrobat/B5633.pdf

By the end of October the cost ceiling for the new scheme (i.e. a maximum percentage of the employers pay bill which can be allocated to fund the LGPS) will be confirmed and it is anticipated that all discussions will be completed by the end of the year – leading to amending regulations being placed before Parliament in early 2012 with a view to a new LGPS will coming into effect in April 2015.

UNISON is calling on all branches, pension contacts and champions to write ASAP to MPs, council leaders and councillors, seeking a sensible timetable for talks which would allow time for proper consideration of all the issues and for further research to be carried out into the workings and costings of the LGPS.

Model letters are available as follows:

Model Letter to Council Leaders
Model Letter to MPs