Friday, 5 November 2010

BBC journalists pensions strike

NUJ members across the BBC are on strike Friday & Saturday in a bid to preserve some vestige of their pension. Pretty obviously anyone phoning from the BBC looking for comment or input on Fri or Sat is breaking the strike…

Perversely, there is probably more chance of the BBC looking for comment from unions than normal. It’s the kind of thing that will appeal to the mendacious twisted overpaid mediocrities who will be in charge. And the invertebrate attention hungry sycophants who’ll cross the picket lines will obey without question. (No I’m not bitter… every syllable is evidenced). If people could make their branch contacts etc aware that they shouldn’t be dealing with the beeb I’m sure it would be appreciated.

That said the staff at the complaints line aren’t on strike so if anything you see or hear on the Beeb tomorrow falls short of the high standards you expect .. today is a very good day to ring up about it..

The number is 03700 100 222
That’s 03700 100 222
Go on, you know you want to.