With just two days to go before BP's annual general meeting, a growingwave of support from global public sector pension fund investors is emerging for the resolution - co-filed by the UNISON staff pension fund and co-ordinated by Fair Pensions and opposed by BP management -questioning the company's planned oil sands projects in Canada.
Top U.S. public sector pension funds worth hundreds of billions ofdollars, including CalPERS, CalSTRS of California, Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds, New York State Common Retirement Fund and the Vermont Pension Investment Committee have declared that they are voting in favour of the BP oil sands resolution. Australian investors including Local Government Super, AMP CapitalInvestors' Responsible Leader Investment Funds, Christian Super are also supporting the BP resolution.
Be part of the global workers capital stewardship programme! You canstill make a difference by contacting your pension fund and asking them to vote in favour of the resolutions. It's made easy for you with justt wo clicks of a mouse.....start here http://fairpensions.org.uk/unison/tarsands