Meeting in London on 17 February the UNISON Health service group executive sent a unanimous message of support to the Sodexo workers who after taking strike action won their claim to be on Agenda for Change terms and conditions. This victory is an excellent example of why the SEIU 3 Companies Organising project is so important.
The meeting heard first hand about how the project works and the success rate it is having in getting new workers into the union from previously unorganised, non-unionised private sector companies.
The meeting also heard about the work in responding to the Government’s Transforming Community Services initiative. There have been negotiations taking place nationally to try secure a commitment to staff engagement in all planned organisation mergers (otherwise known as vertical or horizontal integration); and to ensure that the Preferred Provider policy is actually implemented at local level.
The campaigning and organising work of the South Durham and Darlington branch (Northern Region) in responding to and challenging the employer’s proposal to set up a Social Enterprise was reported. The branch supported by the Region are holding workplace meetings for staff, and are recruiting members and new activists on the back of it.
Health workers are in the last year of a three year pay deal which will see them getting a pay rise of 2.25% on 1 April, with a bigger uplift for the lowest paid. There is uncertainty as to the future direction of pay negotiations and much of this will be determined by the outcome of the General Election.
Finally, motions for Health Conference which is taking place in April were agreed which reflect the priorities for health workers now and post General Election.