UNISON Health SGE today discussed the timetable for consulting health workers about the new NHS pension scheme. It is important for health workers to know about the implications for them before making a decision.
UNISON has also been campaigning to protect the pensions of workers who are transferred out of the NHS. Some progress has been made but we must ensure that any services going out to tender include in all contracts a commitment to protect workers terms and conditions, including their NHS pension rights.
On a more worrying note is the increasing noise coming out of some political parties, particularly the Tories that if they are elected next year they will not honour the commitments made by the Labour Government with regard to public sector pensions.
They are saying that they will review public sector pensions and compare them to the private sector - UNISON will not support a race to the bottom in dismantling pensions. Public sector workers do not get ‘gold plated’ pensions on retirement, and we will not accept attacks on our pensions.
The majority of public sector workers, and particularly health workers are women - any attempt to attack and reduce pensions is an attack on equality and further discrimination of some of the lowest paid in our economy.
David Cameron with his rather nice pension is also saying the Tories will review the retirement age, and withdraw the agreement that existing public sector workers retain their right to retire at 60. Again, public sector workers are employed in some of the most stressful jobs, and work in some of the most difficult and challenging conditions. To make such statements shows a complete lack of understanding of what public sector workers do.
UNISON has a clear commitment to defending any attacks on public sector worker’s pensions, and we will join with other public sector trade unions in this fight. We will also provide solidarity to all workers public or private in securing a decent pension - we need a lifting up not a race to the bottom.