Sunday, 6 October 2013



THE REST OF US ........ TORIES ..........
Get a pay slip Have a decent investment portfolio
Pay P.A.Y.E every payday Know an accountant with a good tax evasion\ avoidance scheme
Fight to make ends meet as pay falls behind the cost of living Wonder what to do with the lovely big tax cut Gideon gave them
Want to grow old gracefully but wonder if we will live long enough to collect any pension, however inadequate Know that whatever the job performance , there is always a good bonus pay off that shareholders can’t interfere with
Struggle with childcare Employ a nanny
Rely on the NHS Have a good deal with BUPA
Find that our local schools have been taken over by private companies and no longer respond to local demand Go up to Eton or Harrow
Are terrified that the banks will crash again. Defend Bankers bonuses
Can’t find work because there are no jobs to be found Give millions to private job finding companies that make no difference to the unemployment figures .
Or are terrified of being made redundant Think that sacking workers cannot be made too easy
Are worried that with zero hours contracts and unpaid internships that work just doesn’t pay enough to live on Believe any innovations that increase profits are to be welcomed .
Think that talk about skivers and strivers is a distraction to keep people from talking about real problems and set working people against each other Stand in front of a placard about hard working families but believe that only "people like us" are hard working .If you don’t have to worry about inheritance tax, then you are a problem family and why should we help you?
Lose Housing Benefit because arbitrary rules decide that the house is" too big" despite that fact it’s been home for years and there are no alternatives Think that the new Help to Buy scheme will fund a new place for the weekend in the country.
Have to rely on food banks or know someone who does Have a good knowledge of Michelin starred restaurants
Are worried about what Christmas is going to mean this year Are wondering if it’s going to be sunshine in the Caribbean or skiing in Switzerland this year
Believe that every young person has a right to a job, or an apprenticeship leading to a job Sit back and watch as Youth unemployment rises, slash programmes designed to help, then demonise young people and cut them off totally from assistance .
Want to go into higher or further education or want our children to but are terrified of the costs Will buy young Beatrice or Benedict a place to party and give them a foot on the housing ladder – the family trust fund will take care of the rest
Know that women deserve equality in the workplace but also know that old prejudices are rearing their head and that rights on equal pay, maternity and abortion are under threat Wonder if "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" should have a place in the next manifesto***
Believe that we live in vibrant communities and don’t want to encourage irrational prejudice of any kind . Wrap themselves in a Union Jack and
Encourage racism and xenophobia. If they can’t beat Ukip , they can steal their clothes
Take news and views from a variety of sources from the Mirror to the Morning Star to Twitter and Unisonactive Read the Daily Mail- the unthinking paper for those who prefer their opinions half baked
Believe in a right to protest and democratic debate Are determined to legislate to gag and silence any critics

So which side are you on- or can you be on?
****Translates as Children, Kitchen Church - slogan of the Nazi womens organisation