Sunday, 29 September 2013

Hands off our NHS says Prentis

#nhs299 (and @BBCNews in case you're missing this) UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis, in a speech to the 'wonderful people' at the Manchester rally, says the union will fight to keep the privateers out of the NHS.
   "55,000 people marching, speaking with one voice a clear message to the Tories, hands off our NHS", said Dave. He pledged support to the fight against privatisation at George Eliot hospital and for UNISON ambulance workers about to ballot. 
    He warned privateers would 'suck money' out of the NHS. "The NHS loses out, patients lose out, staff lose out: the only winners are the shareholders. Even the NHS chief executive now agrees that the government's ridiculous competition rules are holding back quality improvements.
   "Cameron said he could sum up his priorities in three letters: NHS. It turns out he was right. But in Tory language, this stands for 'National Hospital Sell-Off'."
   See also UNISON head of health Christine McAnea's speech on youtube