#undc13 Dave Prentis restated the absolute importance of pay campaigning following the poor 2013/14 settlements in health and local government (except Scotland) - ‘we must break the pay policy and we must build our members’ resolve' - calling on GMB and UNISON to join in the 2014/15 pay campaign.
2013 has seen a revitalisation of UNISON’s organising work and Dave called for greater involvement from delegates, ’recruitment is not a spectator sport we need every activist and branch to be involved‘ it’s about power and strength in the workplace where it matters most.’
The impact of austerity was recounted in detail - ‘as the carnage mounts the victims are countless the true loss is incalculable, no service unscathed’ - and the General Secretary pledged that the union’s leadership would step up the campaign against coalition policies starting with a mass rally and lobby of Tory Party conference in support of the health service on 29 September in Manchester.
Full speech can be read here: