Thursday, 30 May 2013

Legal aid is a trade union issue

The ability to access legal representation is a fundamental plank of the UK justice system, and one which trade unions helped to fight for. The Tories are now trying to smash this with the usual hype of people making a fast buck out of the system or trawling for stories of one off misuse as part of the ‘norm’ for ‘scroungers’ or ‘chavs’. It will result in huge injustices for the most vulnerable. Sign the epetition:

By signing the Save UK Justice petition on the Number 10 website which currently has over 60,000 signatures, and may well smash the 100,000 needed to trigger a debate in Parliament you can help protect legal aid for the most vulnerable in areas like Housing, Employment, Welfare rights, Immigration, Family and the defence for those accused of a crime.