Launch rally 23 March. A date for your diary - be part of it! Since 1980 the unions in our country have had their rights, supposedly guaranteed by international law, trampled underfoot by successive governments. Each in turn cared little for the rights of working people. As the laws shackled our unions, so union membership fell away which contributed greatly to the decline of collective bargaining and ever widening gap between the rich and poor. It’s time to make a change.
We need this campaign to win our unions and our politicians to the idea of trade union freedom. Free trade unions to right the wrongs, to get our just rewards, to give us a voice at work.
Speakers: Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, Billy Hayes, CWU General Secretary plus other leading trade union full time officials and lay activists and labour lawyers. Saturday 23 March 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ.
Campaign for Trade Union Freedom is a merger of the Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trade Unions and the United Campaign to Repeal the Anti-Union Laws
1 Islington, Liverpool, L3 8EG 0151 207 5264