Friday, 17 February 2012

Tory led Swindon Council leads the attack on union facility time

After 18 months of hysterical denunciation of trade union facility time in local government by Tory MPs and the Tax Dodgers Alliance, it was only a matter of time before a Tory led Council became an outrider for future legislation and ‘guidance’ hinted at by Tory front benchers in response to the clamour for action by their far right fringe. Lo and behold Swindon Council in Wiltshire is now mounting an attack on the paid facility time of its UNISON convenors using the pretext of ‘efficiency savings’:

This gratuitous attack marks a dangerous precedent and UNISON is calling on branches to act in solidarity with the local branch by:

- Writing to the council chief executive Gavin Jones at Swindon Borough Council, Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon SN1 2JH (email or council leader Roderick Bluh at the same address or (email expressing your opposition to these proposals and your support for UNISON in Swindon.

- Sending a message of support to the UNISON branch (email

- Tweeting the council on @Swindonnews, using the hashtag #tradeunionrights