Saturday, 16 July 2011

More on the Pensions 'double, double whammy'

The Touchstone blog reports that public sector pension costs were stabilised even before the change in indexation from RPI to CPI:

Right to strike - 'no more than a slogan'

The Institute of Employment Rights has published John Hendy QC’s superb critique of Con Dem proposals to reduce workers’ rights and further erode the right to strike in the UK:

The Educators by D.M. Black

In their

limousines the

teachers come: by

Friday, 15 July 2011

Aberdeenshire Trade Unions Pension Rally

Speaking at the North East Pensions Rally on yesterday in Aberdeen, UNISON Scottish Secretary, Mike Kirby said that pension scheme members face a "double, double whammy."

Labour - a political movement or electoral machine?

An interesting article in Scottish Left Review by Richard Leonard of GMB which examines the bleak prospects for the Scottish Labour Party unless it rediscovers a political ideology and purpose. Arguments which can be equally applied to Labour at UK level:

Thursday, 14 July 2011

More on this week's NEC

Young members representative on the NEC Graham Smith gives a no holds barred account on the first business meeting of UNISON’s new NEC, in particular the meaningless gesture politics of some individuals inside the meeting and outside of the UNISON Centre:

Housing Benefit workers face uncertain future

If you're unemployed, or one of the millions of low paid public service workers, there's a good chance you might need a housing benefit worker to help you keep a roof over your head.

Capital....US Unions Launch Shareholder Attack on Murdoch

US unions pension and investment funds and some public sector pension funds have launched an attack on Rupert Murdoch and other executives of News International. Demonstrating the power of workers capital to challenge the people who manage the companies we own.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

EUobserver / Palestine: EU bid to avoid UN vote on independence has failed

Palestinian leaders have declared that an EU-led attempt to revive Arab-Israeli peace talks has failed, leading them to go full-speed ahead for UN recognition instead.

MOBILISE! Anti-cuts festival Edinburgh 13-20 August

Mobilise: A week-long Festival of Campaigning skills happening in Edinburgh from 13-20 August 2011. MOBILISE does exactly what it says on the tin - brings people together and prepares for action. The art of creative campaigning.

Israel anti-boycott law an attack on freedom of expression

A law passed by the Israeli Knesset (parliament) making it an offence to call for a boycott against the state of Israel or its West Bank settlements will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in Israel, Amnesty International said yesterday.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

New NEC gets down to business

UNISON's new NEC met today in London as a two day meeting got underway with agreement on committee allocations and a programme of meetings for the 2011/13 term of office:

Lets truly open the public services debate

The long awaited 'Opening Public Services' white paper is a thinly veiled attempt to reinvent Thatcherite and Ridleyesque style enforced competition on public sector providers:

Monday, 11 July 2011

Updated with pics: Durham Miners 2011: Remembering our Past - Winning the Future

The massive turn out for the 127th Annual Durham Miners Gala, (otherwise known as the Big Meeting), estimated at 100,000 shows the importance and relevance of an event which marks the proud history and traditions of the mining communities, and trade unions across the North East.

Durham Miners 2011: Remembering our Past - Winning the Future

The massive turn out for the 127th Annual Durham Miners Gala, (otherwise known as the Big Meeting), estimated at 100,000 shows the importance and relevance of an event which marks the proud history and traditions of the mining communities, and trade unions across the North East.

Cameron must resign

Even before the trials and the enquiries it's clear at least in terms of Coulson, who was - along with another journalist - arrested the other day, apparently on suspicion of bribing police officers, and has been bailed till October. David Cameron, as ever, has insisted that even though it didn't work out, he feels he had been right to offer Coulson 'a second chance'. And, it would appear, to have kept him on as long as he did, and to call him a friend even now, despite...

88th Anniversary of the Lowestoft Strike Schools 1923

Many trade unionists have heard of the famous Burston School Strike, and the brave stand made by the teachers and children against the squirearchy of that small village near Diss, Norfolk which started in 1914. However few have heard of the Strike schools of Lowestoft involving over one hundred teachers and 1,500 school students.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

This one and That one..... by Armando Uribe

This one and That one and the Other have families
that are happy and solid, children, grandchildren
even great-grandchildren, who are blonde and study hard,