Saturday, 3 September 2011

UK Government lacks committment to race equality - Runnymede report

The Runnymede Trust and other NGO's working for race equality have produced a report highlighting key challenges faced by Black people in the UK and areas where the Government could be doing more to tackle inequalities in Black communities:

'Key concerns arising from developments in government policy and action between the submission ofthe Government’s Periodic Report in February 2010 and July 2011 that we believe will adverselyimpact on race equality include:

- A lack of government leadership to take the necessary steps to achieve race equality in the UK

- A lack of commitment to tackling ethnic inequalities in outcomes in areas of education, health, housing, and employment

- The disproportionate impact of the Government’s spending cuts and reforms to social welfare on minority ethnic communities

- The significant reduction in the budget and proposed changes to the remit of the Equality and Human Rights Commission

- Proposals to remove or not to implement important provisions of the Equality Act

- Increasingly restrictive and discriminatory immigration and asylum policies'