Friday, 29 July 2011

Pensions strike looms large - educate, agitate, organise

Yesterday’s synchronised announcement of increased contributions for most workers in the ‘unfunded’ public sector pension schemes was a wilful act of contempt by Con Dem Treasury Ministers towards the trade unions and the scheme by scheme negotiations process:

Now that UNISON is gearing up for industrial action ballots later in the year it is imperative that all branches and stewards educate and inform members about the ‘smash and grab’ (© Matt Wrack of the FBU) which is taking place on our pensions.

Representatives at last week’s national UNISON Pensions summit received a full briefing on negotiations so far, including the stance of the Government on key issues such as career average schemes and the fair deal on pensions. Those divisive and uninformed individuals who claim a lack of accountability from UNISON negotiators in these talks would do well to seek report backs from regional convenors and service group chairs who were in attendance from all regions. A briefing from that event has been usefully placed on line:

In September/October service group executives individually and collectively (at service group liaison committee) will meet to decide UNISON’s next steps as the scheme based negotiations draw to a close. Unless significant concessions are won from the government, industrial action is inevitable.