Saturday, 14 May 2011

Holy Smoke! - A Confederacy of Dunces gathers in Westminster

The Guardian reports that ‘hundreds’ of pro-cuts activists will gather in Westminster today. Quite a contrast with the 500 000 strong March for the Alternative held on 26 March – but a sign that Britain’s emerging hard right political networks get the importance of public protest:

It is easy to mock the tweed suited class warriors of the Taxpayers Alliance, the Freedom Association, UKIP etc, yet their backing in elite business and establishment circles should not be underestimated. Nor should the extent of their anti democratic intentions to demolish the welfare state and crush trade unions.

The March of the Privileged coincides with a BBC report that the Con Dem Government is being forced to ‘rewrite the timetable for some of its most controversial policies, with almost 90 "milestones" being altered. New plans for each department have been published, detailing delays to moves including Royal Mail privatisation. The exception is the Department of Health, which says it cannot produce a timetable until the current "pause" in NHS legislation is complete’: