Timed to coincide with the lead in to elections across local government and in the Devolved Administrations, UNISON political advertisements are now running in the regional and national media warning of the consequences of public service cuts and job losses: http://www.unison.org.uk/asppresspack/pressrelease_view.asp?id=2267
The adverts can be seen here:
Meanwhile, UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis has joined other trade union leaders in issuing a pre-election, Easter message, stating that the Coalition Government "has broken many election pledges, devastated public services, cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and blighted the future for many of our young people. Council cuts have led to libraries and day centres shutting, elderly care cut back, careers advice and services to young people closed."
"The NHS is in turmoil because of the widely unpopular Health and Social Care Bill and even Sure Start centres are closing their doors. The government has turned its back on the needs of the most vulnerable in society and the May elections should act as a warning shot that they must change direction."