Tuesday, 1 February 2011

UNISON members take protest against Health Bill to Parliament

Yesterday health worker members of UNISON protested outside Parliament as MPs debated the Bill for the first time: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23918915-even-david-camerons-doctor-brother-in-law-doubts-plans-to-reform-nhs.do Despite strong opposition from Labour, the Health and Social Care Bill was passed last night in the house of Commons with a majority of 86.

"The NHS is a service that many take for granted now, but will not be able to in the future. As more private companies pile in to grab their share of the £80bn in taxpayers’ money the NHS will change from a publically run and accountable service, into a conglomerate of competing private companies outbidding the NHS for patients," said UNISON Assistant General Secretary Karen Jennings.