Monday, 3 January 2011

Say NO to divisive Health deal‏

English employers have offered a "deal" to NHS workers of no compulsory redundancies in exchange for a two year incremental freeze on top of a two year pay freeze. This site does not allow the length to go into the full social, economic and service based arguments on why UNISON should reject this offer so I will simply focus on one reason why we should be saying "No" with a united voice.

At this time more than any other in our history we need a unified, strong and united union to protect our members and to protect the NHS. This offer is not simply about making our members pay for the deficit caused by the greed of bankers and financiers, it is an attempt to divide our union and pit member against member. The affect of this offer would be to put;

Grade against Grade - Band 7 and above will still face compulsory redundancies as well as having their incremental progression frozen.

Long Service against New Entrant - The freeze will of course not affect those already at the top of their increments.

Country against Country - The freeze only applies to England. How long can national pay bargaining survive in circumstances where one country has part of their contractual rights removed even on a voluntary basis?

Men against Women - Women are more likely than men to have had a break in service and not be at the top of their increments and so be affected by a freeze.

Higher Paid against Lower Paid - The lower your pay the more one suffers hardship from a pay and incremental freeze.

UNISON is committed to defending the low paid, women and the most vulnerable. This "offer" is asking us to turn our back on these commitments and these people. The Health Service Group Executive need to send out a clear message at their meeting on January 10th "No Deal."

Gordon McKay