TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has announced that the TUC will stage the "biggest and boldest" demonstration in its history next March to protest against the government's spending cuts. http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE69L5PM20101023
Opposition to the austerity measures is gradually building up in the UK with massive demonstrations yesterday in Edinburgh (20000) and Belfast (15000) as well as smaller mobilisations across England and Wales. This follows a strong turnout at the lobby of Parliament on 19 October and protests nationwide on the following day to mark the Con Dem announcement of £83bn public spending cuts.
Criticism of the TUC’s decision to build for a massive demonstration next spring is ill founded: http://the-workers-united.blogspot.com/2010/10/tuc-general-council-has-failed-its.html
Much activity can be generated in the interim period, and the evidence of successful mass protests elsewhere in Europe, is that national days of action have been preceded by months of painstaking local and regional activity. In recent weeks that work has begun in the UK and mobilisations must be stepped up between now and next March.