In June, at the Vancouver World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Sharan Burrow was elected as its first woman General Secretary. Today the former Australian teachers union leader gave an inspirational speech to Congress, succinctly placing the UK economic crisis in an international context.
“Here in Britain, your fight against the unjust, unfair, unacceptable policies that the coalition government has adopted with such enthusiasm is the same fight that your comrades throughout the world are also engaged in. You face some of the most ardent followers of the free market model, and you have one of the hardest fights. But for that reason, your fight is also the most crucial.
"There are tough times ahead but if you can turn the tide against the forces of conservatism here, then others around the world will know they can do the same. The world trade union movement stands with you in your struggles against the unjust policies of your government”