Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Ed Miliband meets Organised School Meals Workers - Conference Speech‏

The new leader of the Labour Party addressed conference today and in his speech acknowledged the campaign led by school meals workers employed by Sodexo in Richmond Borough London.

Ed met the workers at a campaign meeting at which Sodexo workers met him and asked him to support their campaign for better conditions including sick pay. In reference to them he said‬‪ ‬‪ 'I remember during this campaign I met some school dinner ladies. They had to buy their own uniforms, their shift patterns were being changed at a moment’s notice, frankly conference they were being exploited. So they looked to their union to help them. They weren’t interested in going on strike, they loved the kids they served and wanted to serve their schools. But they wanted someone to help them get basic standards of decency and fairness.'‬‪


The workers are taking part in a campaign organised by UNISON's 3 Companies Project - agitating and fighting for fair wages and conditions so they can give a better service to the kids they feed. Ed Miliband addressed the meeting with Keith Sonnet and signed their petition, due to be presented to Richmond Borough Council on October 19th. Ken Livingston also met the workers and has backed their campaign.‬‪ ‬‪