Mike Rustin, writing on the Open Democracy website, says that trade unions will have an important part to play in revitalising the Labour Party as a grass-roots movement and opposing the Coalition's spending cuts.
However unions must recognise the importance of better engaging members in political activities and boosting participation. This is a key lesson of the Labour leadership election (and the main recommendation of the recent review of UNISON’s political fund). http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/mike-rustin/after-labours-leadership-election-i-role-of-trade-unions?
“In Labour's leadership campaign, many participants… have called for the renewal and revitalisation of the Labour Party as a grass-roots movement.
This cannot happen without the significant involvement of trade unionists, and this will not take place without significant changes in the ways in which union members are recognised and engaged in political action. The role of the unions in Labour's leadership election, and the attack on this which is about to descend, should be a reminder of how much needs to be done in this sphere.”