Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Audit Commission abolition - more rich pickings for Big 4 consultancy firms?‏

The Tax Research UK blog notes that “the audit functions of the Commission will be moved to the private sector. Its research activities will simply cease. So, rich pickings for the Big 4 firms who spent so much supporting the Tory because before the general election there then..”

A commentator on the same blog commented as follows:

“A quick search of the Electoral Commission website shows that in the period from Q2 2005 to date, non-cash donations to the Conservative Party consisting of staff secondments and consultancy services includes:

Firm - Sum donated
Deloitte - £323,501.75
Ernst & Young - £63,989.08
Grant Thornton - £15,000.00
KPMG - £435,973.00
PWC - £533,063.68
Total - £1,371,527.51

Money, influence and politics. Nothing more need be said.”