Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Dave Prentis delivers a rousing speech to conference - "now is our time"‏

General Secretary Dave Prentis received a standing ovation from delegates following a rousing speech to UNISON NDC – in which he covered all the economic, industrial, political and social bases. http://www.unison.org.uk/news/news_view.asp?did=6167

Dave praised the democracy, scale and unity of the UNISON conference – a trade union assembly without equal in the UK. He pledged our solidarity to public service unions fighting austerity measures. He unconditionally condemned Israeli state terror against the Gaza aid flotilla and committed UNIOSN to stand side by side with the Palestinian people in their fight for justice and an independent state.

His wide ranging speech addressed developments in equal pay, pay, recruitment and the emergence of Britain’s Frankenstein Con Dem Government. To loud acclaim Dave demanded an apology from Cameron and Clegg for the divisive and dishonest lies about public sector pensions in recent days.

Looking at struggles ahead Dave said the union will stand up and fight Government attacks on UNISON members jobs and services. Any branch fighting cuts and redundancies will receive full support from the national union. Any attacks on pensions will be met with a national industrial action ballot – no ifs or buts. And UNISON will work hard to forge alliances with other unions and community organisations as we promote the Million Voices Campaign.

A tremendous and unifying leadership speech from a General Secretary who is firmly focussed on the defence of UNISON members’ job security and living standards.