Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Trade unionists debate Australian Labor Party affiliation‏

In Australia a debate has opened up on the link between trade unions and the Australian Labor Party.

Understandably, as social democratic parties with few exceptions have embraced the neo liberal policies of privatisation and war, many trade unionists advocate a more independent or pluralistic approach to political engagement. Furthermore the notion of an 'organic link' between working people and labour parties is increasingly questionable when the vast majority of workers are outside of affiliated unions. On reading about the Australian situation it would appear that the erosion of Labour Party democracy is another common feature.

In the UK these indisputable realities are compounded by evolving political structures and new electoral systems in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. All in all, the changed situation poses a major challenge for UNISON and other affiliated unions.

The UNISON NEC on the 'review of political fund effectiveness' will be published later on this month along with the NDC preliminary agenda. UNISON Active will return to this debate when the report is published, examine the recommendations and identify omissions.