The Times leads today with a report that the British Government is being pressed by the unelected European Commission to ‘outline further spending cuts and spell out where the axe will fall’. The Commission is due to release its latest assessment of Britain’s plans to reduce the deficit tomorrow but a leaked report confirms that it will state “a credible timeframe for restoring public finances to a sustainable position requires additional fiscal tightening measures beyond those currently planned.”
Hence the importance of the UNISON Million Voices campaign to save jobs and services, which includes a short video and major TV and press advertising campaign, over the next three weeks, showing how life is changed for the worse when public sector jobs are cut.
Attack Dogs of the Right
The self appointed TaxPayer’s Alliance has entered into the debate and - consistent with its anti public service mission and tabloid methodology - has modified the UNISON video in order to ridicule public service workers and ‘demonstrate the wide range of absurd non-jobs throughout the public sector which could be abolished without any impact at all on front line services’.