UNISONActive is an unofficial blog produced by UNISON activists for UNISON activists. Bringing news, briefings and events from a progressive left perspective.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Report of UNISON National Executive Council 10th February 2010‏

The meeting opened with invitations for nominations to the post of General Secretary. Dave Prentis was overwhelmingly endorsed by 38 votes with 9 votes being shared on factional lines between Bannister (4) and Holmes (5). Vice President Angela Lynes in moving Dave’s nomination said ‘we face difficult times ahead and there is only one candidate with the experience and knowledge to take us forward united and that is Dave Prentis’.

The meeting then agreed conference motions on Organising; Learning and Organising – Empowering members; International Action on Climate Change; Palestine; The Economy; The Future of the NHS; Defending the LGPS in England Scotland and Wales; Public Services and Taxation; Social Care; Total Place; Trade Union Rights; and Workplace Consequences of the Recession.

Whilst Paul Holmes wandered off outside, the rest of the NEC debated the report on the two year ‘Review of Political Fund Effectiveness’. Echoing the minority of submissions sent into the steering group, a handful of members on the NEC representing the ‘Socialist’ Party called for the abolition of the Labour Link and /or direct affiliation to or support for the Labour Party. Parotting falsehoods and lies about the nature of the political funds this faction were ignored by the majority of NEC members who voted to agree the report and recognised the need to improve levels of transparency, participation, activity and effectiveness of the funds. All levels of the union will be urged to step up engagement with decision making and policymaking processes that impact on our members, and to promote greater member participation in the unions lobbying and campaigning work across both political funds.

The debate on proposed rule changes was dominated by the amendment aimed at expelling the BNP. Dave Prentis said formally, for the record, that “this amendment is aimed at no one other than the fascists and the far right, and that is why we name them in the wording”. However the same cringe inducing attempt at watering down the amendment was made, as had been previously defeated at the Development and Organisation Committee. Irrespective of the explanations and assurances given, ‘Socialist’ Party representatives could still not bring themselves to vote for it! Thankfully no one was actually against and we must hope it is passed without opposition, at conference in June.

We then discussed the latest bargaining situation and Heather Wakefield gave a comprehensive overview of the situation in local government. An average settlement to councils of 3.4% coupled with the efficiency savings means the pay freeze is a financial constraint that is entirely self imposed. With over £12 billion in reserves Councils should not be seeking to punish hard working and loyal public servants, said Heather. There are real difficulties in maintaining national bargaining in the current climate and we need to be equally careful of the implications of density figures in any disputes that we get into locally with councils..

Dave praised the Sodexo workers and community in North Devon who successfully braved freezing temperatures to strike for two days and achieve their claim for agenda for change conditions. By organising and engaging with the public the branch and region were successful and there are important lessons from this dispute which we need to take forward.

Dave also pledged UNISON support for the Pensioners Convention march and demonstration on the 10th April. He also drew attention to the UNISON Scotland march and rally against public sector cuts in Glasgow on the same day.

Dave also spoke about the work we are doing on the governance of the LGPS to ensure the people who oversee the schemes take account of EU directives, appoint worker representatives and do not borrow from the schemes.

Dave also talked about the importance of the ‘Million Voices’ campaign – which highlights our campaign for public services and social justice - and the need to ensure all campaigns at regional levels engage with everyone including the TUC.

He spoke about the recent meeting with the leadership in PCS and how we were seeking to agree a common agenda against cuts in public services – joint leaflets, posters and events and we would continue to work closely with PCS at the TUC level but also in regions.

Reports on Equal pay, the accounts, staffing and disciplinary matters were also received. In Sheffield the Court of Appeal has rules that women working as carers and schhol meal workers were entitled to the same bonus payments as men. The ruling that the productivity bonuses were discriminatory paves the way for fair pay and equal treatment for many thousands of low paid care workers.