Sunday, 24 January 2010

Notts County Council reverse £4.6m of their proposed cuts‏

We have reported previously about the savage and unjustified £33m cuts proposed at Notts County Council. The East Midlands region's Local Government Matters blog reports here about the success in getting this hardline Tory council to reverse £4.6m of their proposed cuts. It's not the full £33m but it means that some jobs have been saved and some services to vulnerable people will be protected.

The fight is not over yet as the council will be setting their budget on 25 February and the branch along with the regional office have some more campaigning activities planned, not least the spending of some GPF money to highlight to the public the impact of the proposed cuts.

This victory is an example of UNISON at its very best, with a joined up and comprehensive approach to campaigning. The local government service group at head office have provided first rate advice on the council's finances that has allowed the union to make a powerful and credible argument against the cuts. The union's General Political Fund has been used to publicise our message to the community. The regional office has coordinated the media and external campaigning. The branch has been absolutely relentless in getting out to workplaces all over Nottinghamshire to talk to members and non members and over the past few months they have seen an increase in recruitment of some 40 per cent.

The branch have struck the first blow for common sense and justice, they have the council on the back foot and they are determined to press home their message over the next few crucial weeks.