Sunday, 31 January 2010

Health Workers under Attack‏

The recently leaked report from the Foundation Trust Network shows that UNISON's opposition to Foundation Trusts (FT) is justified. FT's are not subject to Government control, their top priority is finance. This report shows that once again it is public sector workers who are coming under attack to pay the price for a recession which was not caused by them.

Announcing pay freeze and ending clinical excellence awards shows the direction of travel. The NHS is recognised as the best healthcare system in the world, providing value for money and high quality care. If these proposals are implemented that will be put under threat.

Health trade unions must work together to challenge these proposals, and cannot not accept compulsory redundancies for staff at the very time when public services are needed more than ever to support those who are suffering in the recession, and also to help drive the economy out of recession. UNISON's Million Voices campaign provides an alternative positive agenda and we must promote that to oppose these attacks.