Saturday, 9 January 2010

Bully boy Cameron threatens more anti union laws‏

In full election mode and displaying classic Tory anti democratic credentials, David Cameron uses an interview in today's Daily Telegraph to threaten more draconian trade union laws if public service unions take action against a pay freeze in the public sector:

“The trade union laws that were passed in the 1980s have withstood the test of time,” he said. “If ever they needed to be strengthened I would be very happy to strengthen them. But I think there’s a set of rules that work very well.”

No detail is offered by the Telegraph but back in October an FT column by Liberal Democrat supporter Tim Leung is a pointer towards a possible attack on national action >

Also, during the CWU dispute last autumn the Guardian reported that the Conservative Party is poised to introduce further anti union laws in the event that it is returned to Government: “the Tories are looking at introducing laws setting new minimum turnout thresholds for strike ballots on the basis that they can only be lawful disputes if a majority of those being called out on strike have voted for it in a ballot. In the case of the Royal Mail dispute there was a clear majority for the strike among those voting, but not among the total workforce.”