Friday, 18 December 2009

‪More front than Sainsbury – Institute of Directors launch public sector pension commission‏

That well known worker friendly organisation the Institute of Directors has ‘launched’ a commission into public sector pensions. Business chiefs fund body to look at public sector pensions -

Business leaders stepped up pressure on public-sector workers to accept cuts in retirement provision today following the launch of a commission to examine the cost of their final-salary pensions. The Public Sector Pensions Commission, which mainly comprises representatives from rightwing thinktanks, is expected to provide a blueprint for reforms to the next government.‬‪

This latest jaw dropping announcement from the managerial class is astonishing, given that they have feasted on pay, pensions and bonuses over the past two decades.

Of course this should be a call to arms – as many of the companies that employ these directors are owned by our local authority pension funds and other public sector pension funds around the world.

Its time to fight back with a UNISON/PSI led shareowner campaign against executive pay, pensions and bonuses. As shareowners we have the right to vote down their pay. Its time to act!