Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Speaking up for Public Services‏

The TUC has published a timely pamphlet – ‘Speaking up for Public Services – the vital role of the public sector in and beyond the recession’ http://www.tuc.org.uk/extras/speakingupforpublicservices.pdf This excellent resource, written by APSE, makes a compelling case against public spending cuts and explains the public sector’s vital role during the current recession and beyond.

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber sets the scene in his foreword: ‘our public services have undoubtedly improved over the last decade or so, thanks to extra investment in infrastructure, services and people. We cannot let this progress be damaged by knee-jerk calls for spending cuts, pay freezes and privatisation. Speaking up for Public Services demonstrates that our public services are too important for that’.

Essential reading for all UNISON activists.