Saturday, 28 November 2009

Newcastle UNISON Warns of Action Against Pay Cuts

Newcastle City UNISON is the latest branch to warn of a confrontation with the local authority as a result of proposals on Single Status. A leaked report suggest more than 1,400 workers could face a pay cut as a result of the introduction of a new pay and grading structure. 700 workers could face pay cuts of more that £2,500 a year.

All Councils have to introduce new pay and grading structures to address inequality in pay which has meant many jobs – particularly those with a predominantly female work force – have been underpaid compared to similar jobs done by men.

Josie Bird, Branch Chair for Newcastle said “The introduction of equal pay should not mean pay cuts. Whilst we are obviously pleased that more than 5,300 workers could get a pay increase we will be mounting a major campaign to ensure we get the pay increases many workers deserve but also to ensure no one suffers a pay cut”.

Whilst she is confident agreement can be reached, she warns the authority industrial action cannot be ruled out if negotiations do not produce an outcome acceptable to UNISON members.

Newcastle Council is cutting 500 jobs to deal with a £30 million funding shortfall and UNISON is calling for guarantees from the Council not to cut pay to maintain staff morale throughout a period of major change.

Josie said “The commitment and active participation of trade unions and our members in responding to the cuts and efficiencies which are a result of the Government policy has kept the Council working and ensured we continue to provide a quality service. We are serving notice this cannot be guaranteed in the future if pay cuts are on the agenda.”