Friday, 6 November 2009

Irish unions north and south – stand up for public services‏

Today will see a major mobilisation by trade unionists throughout the island of Ireland. The day of action is a focal point for the Irish Congress of Trade Unions campaign ‘Get up stand up – there must be a better way’ which is making five key demand of the Irish government

- tackle the jobs’ crisis
- stop cuts to peoples’ income
- protect vital services
- safeguard peoples’ homes
- make the wealthy pay their fair share

The stakes are high for Irish public services workers. The Sunday Business Post reports that ‘ €700 million in payroll savings that could be made by cutting surplus public sector numbers. But a further €600 million would still have to come from payroll, even if the 17,000 staff cuts identified in the report could be achieved. An estimated savings target of €500 million has been set for health, €400million in education and €160 million from the state agencies, defence forces and the civil services, while the balance would come from gardaí and local authorities.’

Impact strike action planned for 24 November

Following an overwhelmingly successful ballot, public service union Impact is gearing up for national strike action on 24 November although talks are ongoing at national level between the Irish government on alternatives to payroll savings.

UNISON Northern Ireland backing the ICTU all Ireland mobilisation

UNISON is joining in the day of action with protests across Northern Ireland to protest cuts to public services. Please show your support.

UNISON branches across Northern Ireland region have been mounting major campaigns in recent months to defend the NHS and the community & voluntary sector from serious cutbacks by the Northern Ireland Assembly.