Wednesday, 14 October 2009

UNISON Political Fund Review – campaigning at local, regional and devolved levels (Q4 – Q6)‏

The consultation for the review of the political fund effectiveness is underway. Branches and other union bodies are being asked to feed in views by Friday 13 November. Here we give introduce a section of the consultation document and invite UNISONActive readers' views for publication.

The second section of the document deals with campaigning at local, regional and devolved levels. A key objective of the review is to ‘find ways of encouraging political engagement in branches, workplaces and communities’.

4. Why do many branches not see the GPF and/or Labour link as resources to help them lobby and campaign?

The funds are too low profile; systematic failure of the organisation to promote political activity at the base of the union; within the union there has been marginalisation of the labour party because of diminished individual membership and lack of participation by branches in labour link at local and regional level; this is compounded by restrictions on participation in labour link; improve political education

5. How can we increase regional and branch engagement with the general political fund?

Promote model bids/campaigns which can be customised to suit local circumstances; regions to devise political strategies and region wide political initiatives; improve political education

6. How can we further strengthen regional and local Labour link organisation?

Increase participation of levy payers; eligibility for labour party membership should be basis of holding office at branch and regional level not individual labour party membership; improve political education; build labour party membership in the union; secure radical policy changes within the labour party; commit to a ballot of labour link levy payers on labour party affiliation between now and 2015 political fund review ballot to ensure that the legitimacy of affiliation is beyond doubt; demonstrate reduced influence of union if politically independent?

The views of UNISONActive readers on the political fund review are invited for publication. Please click here to submit views.

For an introduction to the review read:

For section one – the changing political landscape (Q1 - Q3) read:

Click here for more Political Fund views