Friday, 16 October 2009

UNISON Political Fund Review – Political communication (Q10 – Q12)

The consultation for the review of the political fund effectiveness is underway. Branches and other union bodies are being asked to feed in views by Friday 13 November. Here we introduce a section of the consultation document and invite UNISONActive readers' views for publication.

The fourth section of the document deals with political communication. The review states that good communication of the ways in which the union uses its political fund ‘is essential to securing transparency and engagement’.

10. What do members, branches and lead activists need or want to know about the union's political work and how would this best be communicated to them?

First and foremost all should be INVOLVED in the union's political work. It should not be seen as something done elsewhere or by a select self appointed minority of activists or officials. Political work should be mainstreamed and reported regularly in all union media and publications.

11. How could union communications better promote transparency and understanding of the operations of the general political fund and labourLink?

Regular reports of activities at all levels via union mainstream communications not seperate publications.

12. How could union communications better encourage engagement and participation bybranches and mebers in the union's political work?

By making journals and website accessible for local campaign reports and opinions. Stimulate political debate and member polls.

The views of UNISONActive readers on the political fund review are invited for publication. Please click here to submit views.

For an introduction to the review read:

For section one – the changing political landscape read:

For section two – campaigning at local, regional and devolved levels

For section three – political education