Thursday, 15 October 2009

UNISON Political Fund Review – Political education (Q7 – Q9)‏

The consultation for the review of the political fund effectiveness is underway. Branches and other union bodies are being asked to feed in views by Friday 13 November. Here we introduce a section of the consultation document and invite UNISONActive readers' views for publication.

The third section of the document deals with political education. The review has identified political education as ‘a key area for encouraging and enabling greater political engagement and thereby political effectiveness of the union as a whole’.

7. What resources and support do UNISON reps need to engage members and organise them to take political action?

Regular and systematic political communications; guidance, leadership and support on political campaigns from elected leaderships at branch, regional and national levels and from organising staff in support of UNISON political objectives and policies. This must be done on a whole union basis and not be the preserve of political fund structures

8. What kind of political education should be included in core training for stewards and organising staff?

3 levels of political education – basic, intermediate and advanced for all accredited UNISON representatives and organising staff; all regions should convene policy schools and workshops

9. Should we develop short courses for lead activists and organising staff on labour movement history and contemporary political issues?

Yes including the use of on-line tutorials and distance learning.

The views of UNISONActive readers on the political fund review are invited for publication. Please click here to submit views.

For an introduction to the review read:

For section one – the changing political landscape (Q1 - Q3) read:

For section two – campaigning at local, regional and devolved levels

Click here for more political fund posts