Wednesday, 28 October 2009


1) He will show proper respect for the US State Dept. His old pal George never got anything wrong, and he won’t change the habits of a lifetime.

2) He has no known conscience or scruples.

3) He will always ignore British public opinion.

4) He has no commitment to democracy and accountability.

5) Tony is a good friend of Silvia Berlusconi, Sarkhozy and Merkel, in fact all of the EU right wing leadership

6) The EU needs a good front man and Tony has all the skills of a Bruce Forsyth. He never lets facts get in the way of what he is arguing. - Think sexed up dossiers.

7) As an international diplomat, he really knows a good hotel.

8) He will totally support a neo Liberal agenda and the free market

9) He will probably lead the EU into its first declaration of war.

10) He will be awarded the post in a totally anti democratic fix

One reason why he won’t- It only pays £250,000 a year!!!!!.