Monday, 5 October 2009

Private sector reacts with outrage to Burnham commitment to NHS as ‘preferred provider’

Andy Burnham MP Secretary of State for Health has signed a letter to the TUC which confirms the NHS as preferred provider for healthcare. Although we might still have policy differences and will continue to argue for the end of the market in the provision of healthcare, it is welcome news that Andy Burnham, is backing the NHS as the provider of choice.

In an important policy shift he has given his backing to the NHS to be the provider of choice. At least now where NHS services have to face competition they should have at least a level playing field, and that unless they are unable to demonstrate on two occasions that they cannot deliver then they should be the provider of choice for health services.

This is good news for the NHS. As public sector trade unionists we know the skills and ability there is in delivering high quality, value for money health services. We need to support our activists to have the skills to engage in service reviews and the procurement and commissioning process to ensure that we are able to ensure that we really promote the best of the NHS.

We know there is no place for the private sector in delivering healthcare, particularly for some of the most vulnerable in society. It is insightful that the announcement has been met with a furious reaction from private sector companies looking to run health services for profit.

The Tory party has also signalled its disagreement which shows their true intentions with regard to the NHS. This adds to why we should welcome this recent policy change, and we must engage proactively in delivering our agenda of high quality healthcare provided by the public sector.

Let’s make sure we turn the policy into reality on the ground for health workers and users. It is notable that the commitment initially made during TUC week by Burnham in a King’s Fund speech was not reiterated at the Labour Party Conference in an otherwise pro-NHS speech.

As our campaign says A Million Voices for Change – this is one policy change we should welcome and make sure it becomes a reality on the ground.