Monday, 14 September 2009

TUC Fringe report - Public Service Reform - But not as we know it!"

In an excellent scene setter for Monday's debates on public services, last night a fringe meeting jointly organised by UNISON and Red Pepper, drew a range of speakers on how trade unions can and should shape the future of public services.

The meeting was organised on the theme of a recently published book written by Mathew Little and Hilary Wainwright of Red Pepper which case studies the success of Newcastle UNISON branch in retaining in house ICT services.

Billy HAyes, the General Secretary of the CWU addressed the meeting on lessons from his union's succesful campaign to block Royal Mail part privatisation. Billy said "The debate on public spending is shifting in an unfavourable direction. It is important then for the unions to promote a progressive policy on public services." His full speech can be read on line: