Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Standing ovation for President Jacob Zuma at COSATU Congress‏

Jacob Zuma, the South African President received a standing ovation from over 2000 delegates at yesterday’s opening session of the 10th congress of COSATU – South Africa’s national trade unioncon federation.

Relations have been strained between unions and the ANC led Government, particularly concerning economic policies, but SABC reports that there is high expectations of a new approach (including an extension of nationalisation) emerging from the Zuma leadership. http://www.sabcnews.com/portal/site/SABCNews/menuitem.5c4f8fe7ee929f602ea12ea1674daeb9/?vgnextoid=6187cb5f8cbd3210VgnVCM10000077d4ea9bRCRD&vgnextfmt=default

The combative political position of the COSATU leadership is in stark contrast to the timidity displayed display at the TUC in Liverpool last week. In his opening address COSATU President Sidumo Dlamini stated: “This congress must provide answers on how forces of the left should consolidate the socialist struggle especially now that all can see with the current global economic crisis that free market system has failed humanity. The solution to this crisis of capitalism cannot come from the same culprits who have been schooled on the principles which are based on the logic and calculus of profit maximisation. But the solution must be provided by the left forces.”

Congress documents are available online: http://www.cosatu.org.za/eventslist.php?type=Congress&eid=17 Also, the Congress can be watched live from the COSATU website. http://results.antfarm.co.za/cosatu/September_2009_01/