Tuesday, 22 September 2009

New Blog about Honduras‏

Venezuela Solidarity tells us of a new blog about Honduras - http://committeeagainsthondurascoup.blogspot.com/ - which is being regularly updated as events unfold there.

Recent posts include:

Violence unleashed on crowds outside the Brazilian Embassy
President Zelaya is Back in Honduras
Coup in Honduras Condemned at TUC Congress
My father has been punished for helping Honduras by Xiomara Zelaya

The Emergency Committee Against the Coup in Honduras involves the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, Labour Friends of Venezuela, Unite the Union, SERTUC and other bodies of the British Labour movement and Latin American communities.

For more information or to submit articles email notohondurascoup@googlemail.com . The blog is edited and maintained by Labour Friends of Venezuela on behalf of the Committee.